HSE & Quality
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We Are Dedicated
to implement our best safe work practices and the responsible operations of all facilities.
Strict Compliance to Procedures & Regulations
LSE is committed to conduct its operations in a manner designed to protect the health, safety and security of its employees and the public, and to avoid and mitigate any adverse environmental impacts resulting from our operations. This entails strict compliance to laws and regulations regarding health, safety and environment operations.
“We all go home from work without injury or illness.”
“To lighten the footprint of our activities.”
1st Accredited Shipyard in Borneo & East Malaysia
In 2014, LSE became the first shipyard accredited with the 3 major standards in the ISO Integrated Management System (IMS) :
An Integrated Management System (IMS) combines all aspects of an organisation’s systems, processes and Standards into one smart system or framework, for easier management and operations. This translates into increased efficiency and effectiveness, and cost reductions to our customers.


Certification to ISO 45001:2018 For Safety Management Systems shows our commitment to the health, safety and security of every person in our premises, demonstrates our ability to undertake risks & hazards associated with the work activities of our business and provides assurance to all concerned including clients and management that legal compliance is effectively managed.
Our ISO 14001:2015 for Environmental Management certification is another mark of LSE’s commitment in not only delivering products that satisfy the technical requirements of our clients, but also of the environment.
Various HSE campaigns, based on LSE’s 10 Golden Rules, are used to drive the HSE compliance culture in the company. The ten mandatory rules must be complied with by all employees, contractors, suppliers and customers at all times while conducting any work operations of the company.
LSE maintains a Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) and Security Department supported by industrial clinics and possesses its own ambulance on-site.
In line with ISO 9001:2015, LSE operates a quality system that is not just limited to the requirements of ISO 9001. Its quality system is readily accepted by major oil and gas companies and is dynamic to cater for continuous improvements.
In LSE, the responsibility of quality is not only delegated to Quality personnel but extends to all levels from non-supervisory employees to its top management and indeed to each and every employee. The Quality Assurance Quality Control (QAQC) Department coordinates and directs quality assurance and quality control activities, whereby the QA leads the company in reviewing, consulting and auditing exercises.

Please click on the links to read our core company policies.